Saturday, August 25, 2012

His Fair Lady Cover Flat

Hi, Mr. KK here with a quick post on HIS FAIR LADY. Anita finished her changes to the manuscript and it is now in our editor's hands. We expect to get any changes she recommends by the end of the weekend. So, if we don't encounter any unforseen surprises, we'll be on-time with the September 1st e-book releases.

We finished the cover flat for the print version (the e-book covers were done some time ago). Here it is:

Cover Artist: Delle Jacobs, Cover Flat: ByDand Publishing

We'll need an extra few days to get back a physical proof for the print version, so it will probably be available late in the Labor Day week.

We also have a sampler coming out soon. We're putting it together now. We envision putting the first 20% of each of the three Kathleen Kirkwood books in a single e-book release to sell for 99 cents. We'd prefer to give out individual samples for free. But, the vendors won't let us price an e-book below 99 cents. So, we decided that, if you're stuck paying 99 cents for a sampler, we'll put all three samples in a single 99 cent e-book. That way, each sample costs you 33 cents. We'll put up a post here when it's ready.

Contact us through Anita's email if you have questions -

Have a good day!

1 comment:

  1. A sampler of the three books is a very original idea !!

    Best of luck with this new release :)
