We have been swept off
to the hinterlands this past month plus, seeing to special needs of our
extended and far flung family. I'm still far afield but Mr. KK is tucked back
into his man cave and able to rescue the blog which has been sorely languishing. Happily,
he has unearthed The
Chronicles of Valsemé from storage and will be posting those
next and adding them to the website as well.
For those who have not
read The Valiant
Heart (first book of the Heart trilogy) the Chronicles are a bit
of a spoiler so be warned! They fill in the timeline after the closing pages of
The Valiant Heart
and before the opening ones of The
Defiant Heart. There were two years between the release of
those books and The Chronicles served as a newsletter of sorts to keep fans in
touch with ongoing developments in the barony. Mr. KK will post them here in
sequence and then add them to the website along with the genealogical chart
(previous post) for the Houses of Valsemé and Hericourt which traces the families
appearing in all three books of the trilogy.
Here's the first Chronicle . . .
Click on each image to enlarge for viewing or printing.